The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) classes at Holy Spirit Parish prepare children in Middle School and High School to receive the sacraments of initiation, which “lay the foundations of every Christian life.” (CCC 1212) The classes are geared towards catechizing non-baptized children, children baptized in another faith, and baptized children who have missed the traditional age to receive the sacraments.*
RCIC will take the place of religious education classes for an entire school year. After having received sacraments, the students may join their peers in the appropriate grade the next school year.
Classes begin in September and children will be administered the sacraments of 1st Communion in May, and the sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.
*If your child is receiving the sacrament of Baptism after the age of seven, they will receive all the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation) in the Easter season, at the same time.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Children
Child/Teen Information Form