First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion & first Confession is typically a 2-year program. Children are prepared to say their first Confession and receive their first Holy Communion in the Spring of the 2nd grade year.

Children are prepared to receive these sacraments through three different formation methods.

  1. Religious Education Classes (CCD) – if your child is enrolled in public school, enroll your children in RE (CCD) classes as soon as possible. Classes are held on Sundays or Mondays from 4:30-5:45. Click here to register your child. Children enrolled in RE (CCD) classes who are 3rd grade and older, and who have not received first Holy Communion, will be prepared for the sacrament at the parent’s request. Please notify the Office of Religious Education that you would like your child in 3rd-12th grade to be prepared for Holy Communion.
  2. Homeschool – we fully support and encourage parents to homeschool their children. We also offer classes taught by are parish clergy for homeschool children on Fridays. Whether taking part in the Friday classes or simply preparing your child at home, click here to register your homeschool child.
  3. Holy Spirit School – the parish school offers a Catholic education for students in grades Pre-K through 8. As your child is enrolled in Holy Spirit School, he will be prepared for first Confession and first Holy Communion at the appropriate time. Please click here for more information.

If your child is already registered for Religious Education (CCD) classes, Homeschool, or Holy Spirit School, and you would like to proceed with your child’s preparation for first Confession and first Holy Communion, click here to fill out the FHC Registration and Information Form.

First Confession

Session 1 – Saturday March 8, 2025 at 11:00 AM (Holy Spirit School Students)

Session 2 – Saturday March 15, 2025 at 11:00 AM (RE & Homeschool Students)

First Holy Communion

Mass 1 – Saturday May 3, 2025 at 11:00 AM (Holy Spirit School Students)

Mass 2 – Saturday May 10, 2025 at 11:00 AM (RE & Homeschool Students)

General Information

(703) 978-8925

[email protected]

Staff Contacts

Anson Groves Director of Religious Education

(703) 978-8925 x1

[email protected]

Mayra Saunders Religious Education Office Manager

(703) 978-8925 x2

[email protected]

(703) 978-8925 x3

[email protected]