Boy Scouts Troop 50

About Troop 50

Holy Spirit Parish sponsors Boy Scout Troop 50, an active, scout-led troop of about 60 scouts, age 11-17, and 40 adults. We meet most Monday evenings at 7:15 in Holy Spirit Catholic School, reserving the last Monday of the month for “Patrol Leader Council” meetings, in which the elected boy leaders plan the activities for the upcoming month. During the summer we don’t have formal meetings, but instead most boys go to Goshen Summer Camp or a “high adventure” (for the older scouts). This past summer a crew of 8 boys and adults attended BSA’a Florida Sea Base, sailing the Keys for 6 days and nights. In 2018, we sent a crew to Northern Tier Canoe Base in Ely, MN where they spent 8 days canoeing the Boundary Waters. This upcoming summer two crews will attend Philmont Scout Ranch in NM, and plans are forming for a trip to Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland in 2021. Additional trips have taken us to Summit Reserve in West Virginia, and Lenhok’sin High Adventure at Goshen Reservation, among other destinations.

Our troop adheres to the “patrol method” with most patrols consisting of approximately 8-10 scouts, usually grouped by age (but not always). The patrol method is what helps foster the culture of scout-leadership. Scouts elect their own leaders at the patrol and troop level, who work together to plan activities and outings, while the adults provide advice, consultation, and of course, transportation.

Scouts manage their own advancement through the ranks, with the older boys teaching the younger scouts the skills required and the adults providing counseling toward Merit Badges. There are many learning opportunities available throughout the year, with several service projects and camping and hiking trips in a typical semester, as well as Scout Days at Nationals Park, Scout Sunday in the Church, and the famous Rope Bridge, constructed by the scouts at the annual Parish Picnic.

An average of 8 scouts in Troop 50 reach Eagle rank each year.

“We are members of the National Capital Area Council, based in Rockville, MD and covering MD, DC, and Northern Virginia. Troop 50 is part of the Patriot District in Virginia. 

Our Scoutmaster is Jerry Miranda and our Committee Chair is Mike Rupar. If you’d like, take a moment to visit our website.

Contact us at [email protected] if you’re interested in joining!