Holy Spirit Fire – Young Adults
Holy Spirit Fire
Young Adults
We are a countercultural Catholic young adults group
We have a passion for living life to the fullest, a deep love for the Catholic Church, and a dedication to living out the mission of the Gospel with joy every day through the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit. (Ages 21-39)

Fire is About the Mission
Cultivating Authentic Friendships
Through team building and exciting adventures, we strive to meet people where they’re at and have a blast cultivating authentic friendships in Christ!
Equipping Ourselves as Warriors for Christ
We recognize we’re not alone in our struggles and we strive to arm ourselves for mission through: frequent reception of the sacraments, cultivation of our prayer lives, and commitment to growing in virtue and character to be Christ’s lights to the world.
Setting Hearts on Fire
Our goal and mission is to form Apostles, dynamic Catholic leaders, to go out and SET THE WORLD ON FIRE for love of Christ by the witness of our lives!
Interested in Joining Fire?
Questions? Email Katherine Beutner at [email protected]
Why We Exist
We’ve seen it all. Your typical young adult groups today have “consumer” mindsets (what can “I” get out of this), disguised Catholic dating hubs (will I meet my spouse here?), or host events that simply portray the faith as boring. Yes, BORING.
Fire exists to give young adults purpose and responsibility as young leaders in the Catholic Church. We exist not only to grow community, authentic friendships, develop faith lives, and form disciples… but the step beyond… WE EXIST to call young adults on to MORE – to live life fully ALIVE, to strive for virtue and holiness, to become APOSTLES, dynamic Catholic leaders in the world, living our baptismal call every single day for love of Christ and His Church,
Fire members strive to live the mission of Christ, walking with a brother or sister in Discipleship to encourage each other, listen to each other, and ultimately help each other come to know Christ in an intimate way.
We live this way of life by and through the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit who ignites our hearts with love for Christ and His Church and inspires us to go forth and set the modern world ON FIRE.
Core Virtues We Live By
Friends, life is very short & precious. It is our call and mission to live our Catholic faith to the max in a world starving for love and understanding. This is our mission, to LOVE God and LOVE neighbor, and set the world ON FIRE for LOVE of Christ by the witness of our lives through the daily inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
This is why Holy Spirit Fire exists.