Sacramental Preparation for Students of Holy Spirit School

Welcome parents & families of Holy Spirit School. It’s our great pleasure and our mission to help you and accompany you as you present your children to receive the sacraments of the Catholic Church.

For children in 2nd grade, they are prepared in class for their first Confessions and first Holy Communion. Likewise, for children in 7th grade, they are prepared in class for their Confirmation. For children who might need additional sacramental preparation,

for example: a 1st grader might need baptism, or a 4th grader or 5th grader might need baptism (in addition to Holy Communion), or a 8th grader who wants all the sacraments,

we offer preparation classes in the form of small group tutorials after school. For the 2024-2025 school year, we are offering these tutorials from 3:15-4:00 PM on the following days.

SUNDAYS beginning January 26, 2025

TUESDAYS beginning January 28, 2025

THURSDAYS beginning January 30, 2025

Complete the form here on this page. You can reach out to us or we will reach out to you, indicating the day you choose for your child to be prepared. The tutorial sessions take place at 3:15 – 4:00 PM in the Religious Education Office (or in Youth Ministry for a large group). The goal is to complete your child’s sacramental preparation and have your child receive the sacraments by the end of the school year.

Religious Education Contact Information

(703) 978-8925

[email protected]

Staff Contacts

Anson Groves Director of Religious Education & Youth Ministry

(703) 978-8925 x1

[email protected]

Mayra Saunders Assistant Director of Religious Education

(703) 978-8925 x2

[email protected]

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 19:14