Cathedral Pilgrimage (March 19th)

This Jubilee Year is a time of “special grace” and an opportunity to procure a Plenary Indulgence.  The Pope declared that “during the Holy Year, we are called to be tangible signs of hope for those of our brothers and sisters who experience hardships of any kind.” Individuals are required to fulfill the usual conditions for an indulgence namely, the reception of Holy Communion, Sacramental Confession, and to offer prayers for the intentions of our Holy Father.

Additionally, we are called to make a pilgrimage “to any sacred Jubilee site; pious visits to sacred places and works of mercy and penance.” A visit to the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More fulfills this requirement.

On March 19th our parish will make a pilgrimage to the Cathedral where we will have the opportunity to see the beautiful renovation that was done, say the Rosary and attend the Noon Mass.

Courtesy bus transportation leaves the parish at 9:15 am and we will return around 1:30 pm.

Please sign up here.