Respect Life: Persons with Disabilities
How can we love and serve those with disabilities?
“The foundation of our Church teaching is very simple, and that is the great dignity of every person. … We don’t measure people by how much money they have or what exactly their job is, and so whether a person is alive with a disability or not, that person is great in God’s eyes and so we treat each person as precious.” – Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, archdiocese of Louisville
A girl asked an archbishop why God allows disabilities. Here’s his response.
Read the Catholic News Agency article, here.
Additional Resources:
The Pastoral Statement of US Catholic Bishops on Persons with Disabilities can be found here.
The National Catholic Bioethics Center offers resource information on this topic here.
For those parents who have received an adverse prenatal diagnosis before the birth of their child, more information can be found here and here.