Confirmation Registration Complete

Thank you for registering your child for Confirmation!

  • Baptism Certificate – If your child was baptized at another parish (not Holy Spirit), please submit your child’s baptism certificate to Mayra Saunders, RE Office Manager, by email to [email protected] by December 31, 2024.
  • If your child was baptized here or received first Holy Communion here, we may be able to find a copy in the archives.
  • Important Dates
    • December 31, 2024 – Baptism certificates due
    • Note – The following dates are tentative, they have not been confirmed. They are for you to place a hold on your calendars. We will confirm the schedule once official dates are received from the Office of the Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington.
    • October 2025 (TBA) – Retreat on location at Holy Spirit from 9 AM – 4 PM. If you can not attend the retreat, contact Anson Groves, Director of Religious Education, promptly to find an alternate retreat. [email protected]
    • October / November 2025 (TBA) – Rehearsal at 6:00 PM
    • October / November 2025 (TBA)- Confirmation Mass at 7:00 PM
    • On Confirmation day, candidates arrive 6:00 PM, sponsors arrive 6:30 PM, Mass begins at 7:00 PM sharp.
  • Sponsor & Saint – If you have not yet, please start thinking about who your sponsor will be and who your Confirmation saint will be. According the the Catholic Church, the sponsor must be a practicing Catholic (Baptized, Confirmed, and receives Holy Communion), at least 16 years old, and not the parent of the person to be Confirmed.
  • Dress Code – In order to conform with the solemnity and dignity of the Bishop’s visit and the dignity of the sacrament being given, the children to be Confirmed will observe the following dress code.
    • For boys – Slacks, shirt and tie, dark formal shoes and dark socks (jacket optional). All clothing should be clean, neat, and fitted.
    • For girls – Dress or skirt with an appropriate top, formal shoes. No flip flops/sandals or other casual type shoes. All clothing should be modest. Modest means no sleeveless or backless tops—the front of the dress or top should not be lower than three fingers from the collar bone. The length of the dress or skirt may allow for visible knees but not thighs.
    • For both – Clothing should be appropriate for the Mass, not contain any images (especially images contrary to the Catholic faith), and not gender obfuscating.

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