Fr. John O’Donohue
Fr. John O’Donohue was born into a Foreign Service family on March 17, 1964 in Seoul, Korea. He is the third of five children of Daniel and Mary O’Donohue. He graduated from George Mason University with a bachelor’s degree in history. Prior to his enrollment at GMU, Fr. O’Donohue spent four years enlisted in the USMC. After graduation, he applied to the Diocese of Arlington for admission into the seminary, and was assigned to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia. Fr. O’Donohue graduated from St. Charles Seminary with a Master of Arts in Sacred Theology and, on June 10, 2000, was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. As a priest, Fr. O’Donohue has served as a Parochial Vicar at Holy Spirit parish in Annandale (2000-2003), at Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Arlington (2003-2007), and at St. Paul’s Mission in Hague (2007-2012). In June 2012, he was reassigned to Holy Spirit parish as Parochial Administrator. In January of 2014, Fr. O’Donohue was made Pastor of Holy Spirit church.