Proclaiming God (September 26th)
Proclaiming the Reality of God: Scientific and Human Evidence of God’s Existence
Thursday, Sept. 26, 7:00 p.m., Holy Spirit McGivney Hall
Presentation by Steven Hemler and Patrick Chisholm of the Catholic Apologetics Institute of North America (CAINA).
This multimedia presentation provides amazing scientific evidence―as well as evidence from human nature―demonstrating God’s existence. Contrary to the prevailing myth of a conflict between science and faith, attendees will be excited to learn “the rest of the story” regarding scientific evidence of God’s existence, mostly presented on video by scientists themselves. This apologetics presentation strengthens faith and is an excellent opportunity to develop persuasive reasons for belief, valuable for sharing with family and friends who may have doubts about the existence of God.
Sponsored by the diocesan Office of Faith Formation.
All are welcome!